tools you can take


Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons

Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons is a non-profit organization that has been connecting boaters for over 75 years and continues to play a major role in Canadian boating culture.

We are a nationwide organization of recreational boating enthusiasts with over 20,000 active members. Our instructors help recreational boaters improve their boating safety knowledge as well as their vessel handling and navigation skills.



Niagara District

Niagara District is one of the 16 districts that make up Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons – Escadrilles canadiennes de plaisance. Niagara District is made up of 10 squadrons that are dedicated to teaching safe boating in south central Ontario.

United States Power & Sail Squadrons

The United States Power Squadrons® is the world’s largest recreational boating organization with more than 35,000 members. For more than 100 years, we have worked to make the water a safer place through boating education, civic service and fellowship. With the United States Power Squadrons®, you can improve your boating skills and knowledge online, in the classroom with certified instructors, or outdoors with hands-on training. By joining America’s premier boating organization,  you can have fun with other boaters on the water and on land!


Yes, these files are fully layered.

Great Lakes Water Levels – Environment Canada

Information on Great Lakes water levels is available from several agencies in the United States and Canada.


Your complete sailing weather source, Sailflow gives you real-time reports from an exclusive weather station network, plus reports from over 50,000 other weather stations worldwide. There are many weather stations located in the great lakes which are great resources for small boating trips as well as extensive lake travels.

Water Levels by Fisheries & Oceans Canada

Water level observations for various parts of the great lakes. Perfect for when you are travelling. Click Port Dover for the most recent water levels.

PCOC – Pleasure Craft Operators Card

Mandated by Transport Canada, the PCOC is required for all those who would operate a pleasure craft that has a motor and is used for recreational purposes in Canada. CPS-ECP offers a PCOC course which we would encourage you to review.

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ROC-M – Restricted Operator’s Certificate – Maritime

To operate a VHF radio aboard your craft, you must have the ROC-M certificate. The potential life saving outcomes of successfully using a VHF radio properly cannot be stressed enough to all boaters. CPS-ECP offers a ROC-M certification course that you can take in person or online.

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MMSI Application

The use of identities has vastly improved the efficiency of radio communications in the maritime mobile service. It has been implemented through digital selective calling (DSC), which forms an integral part of the global maritime distress and safety system. Please use the link below to find the correct annex/application for your boating needs.


NEXUS is designed to speed up border crossings for low-risk, pre-approved travellers into Canada and the United States (U.S.).

NEXUS is available at over 450 reporting sites across Canada and at all marine crossings southbound into the United States (U.S.). The boat master is the person in charge of the boat. Boat masters are responsible for presenting themselves and their passengers to border officers, and for reporting all goods on behalf of the NEXUS members on board. All persons on board must be NEXUS members in order to take advantage of NEXUS reporting procedures.



If your vessel exceeds 30 feet, ensure that you have your DTOPS  decal that acts as your cruising permit in the US. Additionally, this decal will allow you get fuel at American fuel docks without hassle.


Small Vessel Reporting System

As part of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) comprehensive effort to improve the security of our nation’s borders while enhancing legitimate travel specifically for small boaters, CBP has implemented the Small Vessel Reporting System (SVRS).

SVRS enables boaters to report quickly and easily to CBP their arrival from foreign waters. It is a free, easy-to-use, voluntary program that you enroll for online.

Ship Station Licence

If you plan to voyage in U.S. waters, you still require the Station License.  Plans for a reciprocal agreement relieving Canadian boaters of this requirement, were abandoned due to the change in security attitudes following 9/11.

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